Child Custody

Solutions For Disputes Involving Your Children

Last updated on June 16, 2020

Few issues are more emotional and complex than parenting disputes. You have strong feelings about the care and custody of your children and you want to spare them from unnecessary trauma.

The experienced and trusted family law attorneys of Welty Esposito & Wieler LLC can help. We guide you to healthy, tailored solutions for these sensitive issues while protecting your fundamental parental rights. Our firm handles all custody-related matters, representing divorcing parents as well as unmarried parents.

Finding The Way Forward

A custody dispute is not about winning and losing. It’s about solving conflicts and creating a new family structure that reflects your new reality. While you and your former spouse may no longer be partners, you will always be co-parents. Our compassionate and creative lawyers help you resolve even the most complicated and high-conflict disputes:

  • Determining primary custody and parenting time
  • Crafting a workable and flexible parenting plan
  • Ensuring fairness and accuracy in child support orders
  • Representing parties in paternity actions to compel support or establish visitation rights
  • Negotiating parental relocation cases
  • Defining grandparents’ rights to visitation
  • Modifying parenting schedules, custody or child support
  • Enforcing support orders and visitation schedules
  • Asserting guardianship in child protection cases

Where possible, we strive for out-of-court solutions to avoid the animosity, expense and uncertainty of custody litigation. However, when it is necessary to go to court for family law issues, you will have the support of capable trial lawyers who will advocate for your parental rights and the best interests of your children.

Tailored To Your Family

We take a thorough and thoughtful approach to these difficult issues. We get to know you and your family so that our attorneys can explore all available options in forming a comprehensive parenting plan. In these tense and uncertain situations, you can count on the established law firm of Welty Esposito & Wieler LLC for steady guidance and strong advocacy.

Please call our New Haven law offices at 203-781-0877 or contact us online to arrange a consultation.