Compassionate, Experienced Family Law Representation
Group Photo of the attorneys at Welty Esposito & Wieler LLC

Parentage Legal Services For Both Married And Unmarried Parents

Parentage is the establishment of a legal parent-child relationship. Establishing parentage solidifies the rights and responsibilities attached to being a legal parent, such as decision-making for education and medical issues for your child, protecting parenting time when parents live separately and providing basic needs for your child such as child support and health insurance.

Establishing parentage is a critical measure for many family law cases. There are many pathways to establishing parentage in Connecticut. The Connecticut Parentage Act (CPA), a relatively new set of state laws that went into effect on January 2, 2022, addresses the establishment of parentage in Connecticut in the following circumstances;

  • Giving birth (except for people acting as surrogates)
  • Adoption
  • Acknowledgment (by signing an Acknowledgment of Parentage)
  • Adjudication (an order from a court)
  • Presumption (including the marital presumption)
  • Genetic connection (except for sperm or egg donors)
  • De facto parentage
  • Intended parentage through assisted reproduction
  • Intended parentage through a surrogacy agreement

The CPA was created to ensure greater protections for parents in establishing parentage, especially for LGBTQ parents and for parents using surrogacy and assisted reproductive technology.

Like any newly created legislation, the CPA can be challenging and sometimes difficult to navigate. At Welty Esposito & Wieler LLC, we understand those challenges and also recognize the complexities and emotional challenges surrounding parentage issues. Our lawyers are proud to serve New Haven County and all throughout Connecticut through all aspects of their family law needs. When looking to confirm paternity, establish parentage or resolve other child custody and support issues, we are here to guide you through the delicate legal process.

Our Experience In Establishing Parentage

Since 2006, our lawyers have been offering their legal experience to clients. At Welty Esposito & Wieler LLC, we understand the nuances of Connecticut’s parentage laws and also recognize the complexities and emotional challenges surrounding parentage issues. After all, a secure legal parent-child relationship is the foundation for a child’s long-term stability and well-being.

Get The Legal Support You Deserve

When you want representation from a law firm that cares as much about your family’s future as you do, contact us today. Schedule your initial consultation with us by calling 203-902-5760 or emailing us here. The sooner you reach out to our offices, the sooner we can help earn the outcome you deserve in your parentage case. We handle cases in New Haven, Middlesex, Hartford and Fairfield counties and throughout Connecticut.